The Toth/Black Wedding – Part 2

Posted by Joanna on May 11, 2009 at 3:30 pm


Welcome back to the Toth/Black wedding with amazing pictures by Jen and Jody Photography. (Part 1)



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The Toth/Black Wedding – Part 1

Posted by Joanna on April 28, 2009 at 9:06 am

Bride and Groom:  Julie and Chris
Wedding Date:  September 20, 2008
Caterer:  Act 3
Photographer:  Jen and Jody Photography
Guest Count:  100


I know every bride hopes for sunny weather on her wedding day but after looking at Julie and Chris’s outdoor photos I decided that rain can actually be a good thing! Jen and Jody provided us with?way too many?awesome photos so we will have to split this up into two posts!


Here’s Julie in our bridal suite checking out her veil.


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